
Customers can leverage the VIA's technology experience and the industry-leading service to create the perfect visual experience in a wide variety of environments

AI Workstation

VIA DEEP LEARNING MACHINE 專為圖形識別、自然語言處理而建的超強大訓練平台,加快洞察速度;不再煩惱於選購組件,全心致力於開發工作,最大程度的將開發步驟化繁為簡,降低時間成本。全面的服務除深度學習運算機,還包含系統及軟體,多種開發工具、管理工具等免費搭載,恰到好處的用戶體驗服務在細節處展現。 Solution Hardware Planning Customization Optimization Scalability Software Building Easy setup Web UI One click recovery Auto update Labeling toolkit Technical

AI Workstation
VIA Intelligent Kiosk

The VIA Intelligent Kiosk is a multi-functional digital platform which can be used as a web-based guide for people to quickly get whatever information they need.

VIA Intelligent Kiosk
VIA Digital Signage

Digital signage can target any customer groups to provide more relevant information and interactive links, while it also helps to escalate the brand experience.

VIA Digital Signage
VIA Smart Cities